Frequently Asked Questions about Florida Family Law

Family law issues can be overwhelming and stressful. At Greco Law, PLLC, we want our clients to be informed and keep their best interests in mind. We are here to answer any questions you may have, including these common ones:

How long will my divorce take?

How long it takes to finalize your divorce will depend on whether you and your spouse have reached an agreement or have matters that need to be resolved. If everything is agreed upon, you may be able to conclude everything in a few weeks or months through an uncontested divorce. If you have a contested divorce with unresolved issues, the timeline is likely to be significantly longer and harder to predict. Ultimately, the sooner you can work out a settlement with your spouse, the sooner you can wrap up your divorce and move on.

How is child custody decided?

In Florida, parenting responsibilities are divided based upon the best interests of the child. While courts generally want both parents involved in a child’s life, a judge will look at the specific circumstances of each case to determine what type of arrangement will best support the child. We help our clients understand how a court is likely to view their case and assist with negotiating customized parenting plans where appropriate.  

Who pays child support?

Florida uses a standard formula to determine how much each parent must contribute to the cost of raising a child. A parent’s income, the amount of nights the youth spends in each parent’s home and the child’s specific needs are the main factors, and the parent with fewer childcare responsibilities is typically the party ordered to pay. However, the circumstances of a case may call for a different result, and we assess what makes sense for each client’s situation.

Will I receive alimony?

Alimony is not guaranteed in every divorce. Courts may grant alimony if a spouse can demonstrate a need for support and the other spouse has the ability to provide it. Judges look at a number of factors when alimony is requested, and may award support for a short period of time, on a permanent basis or in a lump-sum payment. The type, amount and duration differ by case.

How will assets and debts be divided in our divorce?

Florida follows the equitable distribution principle to divide marital property in a divorce, which says that assets and debts should be divided by what is most fair. Often, a judge will assign each spouse roughly half of the assets and debts acquired during the marriage, but courts can deviate from this standard if the facts show a different allotment is justified. For example, special consideration might be required if one spouse paid for the other spouse’s education or a spouse secretly dissipated marital assets.