Respected Fort Lauderdale Lawyers Resolve Complex Spousal Support Issues

Reputable Florida attorneys capably represent clients in a wide range of alimony matters

Divorce can have a significant impact on finances, and spousal support (also referred to as alimony) is one way some spouses seek to bridge this gap. At Greco Law, PLLC in Fort Lauderdale, we represent clients throughout Broward and Palm Beach counties in all types of alimony matters and pursue strategies that are designed to safeguard your interests and obtain positive results. We understand how complicated and contentious alimony issues often are and will work to find effective solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. Whether you want to avoid alimony obligations, modify an alimony order or have questions about your right to alimony, we will develop a comprehensive approach to support your goals.

What is alimony?

Alimony is a legal obligation to provide financial support to a spouse who depended on their partner’s income. Payments can be ordered while a divorce is pending and/or after it has been finalized to account for changes in the recipient’s income and to allow him or her to maintain their standard of living. Alimony can become enforceable by mutual agreement, such as in a prenuptial agreement or divorce settlement, or may be determined by a court as part of the divorce proceedings. We strive to provide strong and compelling advocacy for all our clients and will confidently guide you through every aspect of your case.

What types of alimony are available under Florida law?

Florida recognizes five types of alimony, and the facts of each case will dictate which type a judge may be willing to impose. The different types are:

  • Bridge-the-gap — Support while a spouse is looking for full-time employment
  • Temporary — Support during separation and/or while a divorce case is pending
  • Rehabilitative — Support while a spouse obtains job training or education so he or she can become self-supporting
  • Permanent — Ongoing support generally reserved for marriages that last ten years or more and used when a spouse is unable to reenter the workforce
  • Durational — Support for a set period of time

Courts look at many factors when deciding alimony issues; however, the length of the marriage, the earning capacity of each spouse, the standard of living during the marriage and the amount of assets received in the marital property division process are often key considerations. Alimony payments can be a highly contested issue in divorces, and we will take decisive action to protect your rights, regardless on which side of this issue you stand.

How can a spouse seek to avoid paying alimony?

Alimony is a significant financial obligation that may seem impossible to evade, but there are ways to challenge these requests, including:

  • Showing you do not have the financial ability to pay
  • Establishing your spouse does not have a need for support
  • Having a marriage that did not last long
  • Agreeing to another arrangement outside of court

Regardless of your specific circumstances, our team will work to ease your concerns and give you the best possible chance at a good outcome.

Contact a committed Florida law firm to schedule an initial consultation

At Greco Law, PLLC, we represent clients throughout Palm Beach and Broward counties and the surrounding areas in many types of alimony matters. Call 754-233-4100 or contact us online to schedule a consultation at our Fort Lauderdale office.